I do want to take this post and dedicate it to my mother, known by my girls as Lala! She is wonderful and the true definition of a mom. She is selfless, strong, thoughtful, loving, beautiful, smart, funny, forgetful (but not the important stuff), giving, talented and very dedicated to her family. She has taught me how to treat people, love people, and forgive people. Without her I am not sure where I would be today. Everyday I think of her as I am getting the girls ready for school or cooking them dinner. I once said jokingly that I have turned into my mother...I didn't know the sense of pride that would also come with that statement. I could only hope that I become half the mother that my mom was to me and that someday I will be reading something that my girls have written, hopefully good, about me as their mother!
I was going to scan a really nice picture of me and mom from when I was little, but my printer has decided not to work with me today. The girls have been playing school...you know the rest! As a mom on Mother's day, this oh holy day, I will forgive this and be mad tomorrow. Instead this is a picture of mom and Emmalee. Emmalee looks just like me and mom has not aged a day since I was this small so work with me!