vintage green

Friday, November 4, 2011

I'm Baaaaack...

Hello Blog Family---I have missed you! I have had a request to post again (okay mostly from my mother), but never the less here I am. With some great news I might add....WE ARE MOVING! Well, we are actually already moved, to the in-laws, but we have bought a house! So we will be moving officially again. See what a little mention of remodeling did to my little family. We decided for the sake of sanity it would just be easier. We found the PERFECT house. Thanks to my most awesome realtor...I think she looked at over 50 houses with us, bless her heart and never batted an eye lash.
We move in on my 30th birthday weekend. Nothing like a little unpacking of memories in a ton of boxes to make me reminisce. I absolutely hate packing boxes, but I absolutely LOVE unpacking them. The girls are so excited, they have picked out their paint colors. Ansley has chosen the obvious HOT pink and Emmalee has went with the very dark turquoise, ummm okay. Any decorating tips on how to get by with this would be very much appreciated.
So, we have been without a house for a little over a month now. A back and forth gain of about 8 pounds better back off for good! It has be trying times to say the least but I couldn't ask for a better place to stay. Trey's parents have been absolutely great and gone most of the time. I know they will be so glad to get their house back to themselves.

I hope everyone had a great Halloween. Ours was a little different this year but mostly the same. Emmalee was a princess and Ansley was a superhero--Batgirl! Some things never change. I was a pirate and Trey of course did not dress up. One year he will surprise us all.
Well I hope to start blogging again more frequently so check back soon! Maybe everyone can help me decorate, haha! That was a joke, don't get crazy!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Ready or not...

You know how the song goes..."I still remember when 30 was old..." Well here I am exactly 6 months and 3.5 days away from being and 30, and yes that still sounds old! Not in a bad way, just I never thought it would be me turning the big 3-0. Of course I am six months older than my husband so I get teased plenty. Many say that it isn't thirty, its thirty-one. Well, I will let you know.
I feel as though I am pretty well on track as to what I wanted to do with my life up until this point. I had a great time in my twenties-- did college, found my love for concerts, my love for water, became a wife and mommy. I have two great girls, married and have a great career. We fell in love with a great dog, have a fish and in a few days will have the sole custody of a great guinea pig. So as regrets go, nah. I just feel that at this point I might have to grow up. Maybe not "have to" but I just automatically will. My interests will suddenly become hour long dramas instead of america's funniest home videos???
Anyway, I am writing today to let you know that this may be an ongoing kinda blog. There is still things I want to accomplish before I turn 30.  I am not freaking out, just things I want to do before the big day. This decade was so much shorter than the previous two. I feel that this is going to be a constant. Days go by faster and come a lot quicker.
If you have any ideas I am listening. Kind of a miniature bucket list of things. Skydiving may or may not be an option, but I really do want to fly a plane!!! I would like to go backpacking somewhere really unique. I wanted so bad to run a marathon before 30, but that one may have to wait, you know, something to look forward to!
So listen up 30--I am not scared, I would just like it if you slowed your roll a bit--can I still say that when I am thirty?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! I hope you all can enjoy this day as much as I am! I was awakened by a lovely breakfast (prepared by Waffle House) and a beautiful necklace from my girls (which I was totally shocked by the way, who would of thought they would actually catch my hints this year).
I do want to take this post and dedicate it to my mother, known by my girls as Lala! She is wonderful and the true definition of a mom. She is selfless, strong, thoughtful, loving, beautiful, smart, funny, forgetful (but not the important stuff), giving, talented and very dedicated to her family. She has taught me how to treat people, love people, and forgive people. Without her I am not sure where I would be today. Everyday I think of her as I am getting the girls ready for school or cooking them dinner. I once said jokingly that I have turned into my mother...I didn't know the sense of pride that would also come with that statement. I could only hope that I become half the mother that my mom was to me and that someday I will be reading something that my girls have written, hopefully good, about me as their mother! 

I was going to scan a really nice picture of me and mom from when I was little, but my printer has decided not to work with me today. The girls have been playing know the rest! As a mom on Mother's day, this oh holy day, I will forgive this and be mad tomorrow. Instead this is a picture of mom and Emmalee. Emmalee looks just like me and mom has not aged a day since I was this small so work with me!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April Showers...

Hello! How is your spring? Rainy, mixed with a little rain is what is happening at our house. I absolutely love spring and I love thunderstorms even more, I know--weirdo. There is just a level of excitement around when a storm is blowing into Nashville. Last spring though, we ran into a whole lot more than we bargained for with all the flooding, so I hope we don't repeat that spring. My family was very blessed, but we had many friends who lost so much. I know the storms mean so much more to them. I will say, it made me so very proud of my community to watch all the volunteer efforts and how quickly a lot of the mess was cleaned up. It truly made me aware of how good people actually want to be and how mean some people really are--all at the same time!

So Easter has come and gone again.  My mom made the girls' Easter dresses. She is awesome, and I can't say that enough. I can't believe that next week it will be May! Trey's birthday is only 2 weeks away (dum ta dum dum)! I am clueless (as always) as to what to get him. Well, that is not completely true. I have a lot of ideas, but he doesn't like any of them, of course. What is that about? I have really good ideas, and please no one buy him anymore clothes! He already has more clothes than all three of us girls put together--okay, maybe not that much.

Oh and news on the renovations...Nadda! Still waiting to get the trees chopped down in the backyard. As Trey and I were obsessing over what changes we would make,we somehow decided to build a building in the backyard. Shoot me now, please! I have a huge fear we will turn out like one of those hoarders on that show that has two houses, because they already screwed up their original house. Seriously.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


So life is getting back to normal, whatever that means after vacation. I don't know why but it takes me a good two weeks to get back in the swing of things and this time it took a little bit longer, ugh. I guess it was all that sun, being stuck out in the ocean--haha!
 I decided today that I was just going to do whatever the girls felt like doing in the house today since it is still soooo cold here, and guess what? We are wearing Supergirl outfits and eating the heck out of some chocolate chip brownies, yummy! Trey and I even started watching a movie that we almost got to watch for a whole 20 minutes (too much chocolate).
So...we have decided to renovate. Yes, I know, we the Sneed Family (famous procrastinators, with stairs still unfinished) have decided to tear our house up and make it pretty, hopefully finishing in the near future. It is going to be great, with Trey's master skills and my awesome imagination--what can go wrong? Who am I kidding, right? But I would be lying if I did not say I was not a little excited. So pray for us. I will be posting during this time, which should be my own little therapy. Hopefully, all the years growing up with my family, maybe I learned a few things. Although it never failed that once we  actually finished a remodel, we moved! But that is normal, right? Perfectly normal...

Also, Emmalee had her very first Baseball game yesterday--she had two hits! I say baseball game because she did not hit off of a tee...she was pitched the ball by her coach! Too cool...the first hit on her team! So proud...
Ansley played her first soccer game ever, lets just say she had FUN!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Vacation begins....

Day one of our vacation starts the same way a scary movie might begin. Trey wants to take us out on the ocean in his dad's boat. Sounds great, right? Well, first one must know my husband. He follows Murphy's Law. What can go wrong, will go wrong. It is not his fault, really. Ask any Sneed.
Anyway, its a beautiful day. Eighty degrees, low wind, and very sunny! Perfect. Well, 8.5 u-turns later (one half not counting because he made it an actual stop for lunch) we arrive at the boat dock. We made it, we are here in the bay, I feel so special riding in that boat. Never have I been on a boat in the ocean just our family, without a guide anyway. Just as we make it out into the ocean, Trey decides he wants to enjoy the ride a little bit, so instead of going to a fishing location we ride out where no one else is riding.  It is a really smooth ride, then a sound comes from the back of the boat and all of the sudden i feel as though I am being PUNK'D. The boat stops and we are just floating in the water. What?! I just opened my pinot grigio...this is NOT happening, again. No one is riding anywhere near us. No boats. We sit. The water is freezing. Luckily, no one is complaining at all! Small blessings. No one has to use the restroom and we have enough peanut butter and jelly uncrustables and pink lemonade to last two days. A few hours later, we get the attention of a couple close to the coast. they were gracious enough to tow us back to the dock. They were great and soooo nice. I would have had a hard time giving up my day on the ocean to tow in some crazy family from Nashville. Whatever, it turned out to be a great trip and story. I actually had a big time. The girls took a nap and I got to spend some quality time with my husband, Trey and friend, Jimmy. I have to admit I was looking forward to shooting that flare gun. They promised to let me shoot the first one.

We made it back to the house a few hours later...Bebe had the pool all heated and ready to go. She thought we might need it. And we did. She made an awesome dinner--beef tenderloin and salad! What a great meal with chocolate cake to boot! Just lovely. I love spring break!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Happy Life

I can't sleep tonight...just lying here thinking of all the things that truly make me happy. There are some things that I just cannot explain, things so simple that give me pure joy.
I love being outside. I love the smell of the earth when I go on a hike. I love riding in the car with my windows down. I love when a great song comes on the radio and I can stop whatever I am doing and dance. I love the high I get in spin class when I almost think my lungs will explode, knowing that I can go so much longer. It feels great to move. I love Sunday dinners with my family. I love the smell of my mom and dad's house when we walk in and she is making fried chicken. I love chocolate and peanut butter. I love listening to live music, it does not matter what type. I love when I get to spend time with my sister. I love knowing that she truly gets me and still loves me. I love hearing my girls laugh. Really laugh. So hard they can't catch their breath, knowing I said or did something to contribute to that. I love when my husband looks at me and I know he loves no one else in this world as much as me.
I don't know why, maybe I do, but I needed so badly to have these words written where I could read them. Life goes so fast and I feel myself constantly thinking when will it be Friday. My girls are growing at an uspeakable rate. I hope they know how much they mean to me. I hope my family knows how much they make me simply happy.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Some of the things they say...

Why is that when you are in front of your parents, or heaven forbid your entire extended family, your children decide to say things that makes you want to crawl into a hole and hide out for awhile. Maybe it is just my children, but they only say bad words in front of my parents. Also, when we visit the doctor, my children love to make me feel like the worlds worst mom! No examples needed, mostly because I don't need to relive the embarrassment. I just don't understand what would provoke them to do these things, and if you have had the privilege of being around at this time, I apologize! When the girls were really small, they would always make a liar out of me as well. So let me take this moment to say that I am sorry to my mom and dad!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Newby in Town

First, I would just like to thank all of you who have checked out my new blog. I am very new to the "blogging world" as if you could not tell, but I am really enjoying it. I spend most of my time looking for new widgets, gadgets??? but anyway. I have been reading some other mommy blogs, which are hilarious by the way, and I am really entertained but feeling more and more normal by the second. I thought I would steal a second to write on here while my girls are getting ready for ballet. I know that is dangerous territory...letting Ansley out of my sight is often regretful. But I guess my day has been too quiet.
I have been getting ready for our family vacation. I always feel as if I am spending way too much money on getting ready for the trip than I will actually spend on the trip. My trips to Costco are getting out of control. Please do not pass this information on to my husband, somethings are better left unknown. And can I just let out a BIG scream when I say it is bathing suit season yet again! At least I have fun picking out the girls swimsuits, and that's about it. Why is life so hard? So... don't judge me when I say I mostly bought junk food for the long drive down to Florida.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Emmalee's 6th Birthday

My little Emmalee has turned 6. Yes you heard right...6! I can't even begin to comprehend this. I know, I should have seen this coming, right? Well she did and now I am the proud parent of an already acting out teenager it seems. I kid, she is great and a really grown up six year old. Sometimes I worry she is too good.
Anyway, we had a pinkalicious party. If you have not heard of this and you have a little girl, don't worry you will and should. Go to the store now and buy the books, they are awesome! It was a great party. It was a bounce you can only imagine the fun (and naps) that we had. She had the cutest pinkalicious cupcakes and a very cute outfit to go with it.
As time goes by, I wonder what kind of person she will be when she is older. I am so excited to see her become this great girl. I like to think I had a little to do with this. She has a great family and friends that I know all contributed to her cute little personality.
Happy Birthday Emmalee!